Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Super, Super, Super Long day!

I just got home from work an hour ago.  I'm absolutely EXHAUSTED.  I'm feeding Santana cheerios right now to give me a little time to type this.  Yeah, he should be sleeping right now, but he isn't.  If I'm lucky I can have him sleeping by 10.  Otherwise, he likes to stay up and hang out.  I'll probably dedicate a whole entry to that topic another day.

Work was interesting today.  I absolutely can't stand when people hit on me.  It happens every so often while I'm at work, but it is absolutely bothersome.  Especially if  it is from a creepy older man.  I'm new at this job so I'm learning something new every day.  I'm pretty good at doing what the job entails, but I'm constantly learning.  I don't mind it.  I like it that way.  I had to close tonight and I didn't have someone in the same position as me show me how to do it so it was a super long process for me!  Lucky others there helped.  I'm so happy I have off tomorrow :D!

Yesterday (Monday, June 13, 2011)

I'm already slacking!  I did have a very long day though yesterday!  On Sunday, when I made my first post, I thought I would want to keep the names of the people in my life anonymous, but I have decided that I will use first names to keep the run on sentences to a minimum.  Plus, I feel it makes it more interesting to put a name to who I'm talking about.  So! First things first, I will let you know that my fiance's name is Jack and my son's name is Santana! :).

As I mentioned before I am a working mother.  Now that school is out for the summer, I am working a part-time job.  The job requires that I work around 29 hours a week.  I usually work 4 days out of the week and have three days off.  While both Jack and I are at work, my parents watch Santana.

Yesterday, Santana and I had a very, very early morning!  I was up at 6:30 and Santana was up a little after 7.  On days that I don't work, Santana usually doesn't get up until after 9:00AM.  He'll wake up before then some mornings, but will usually feed and go back to sleep.  I worked 7:45-4:00 yesterday, so it was VERY early for the both of us.  After work, Santana and I enjoyed the company of Hope for a little bit.  Hope is the 4 year old daughter of Jack's coworker. She is the sweetest little girl!  Santana LOVED playing with her!

I was disappointed to find out yesterday that the venue I wanted to use for my son's first birthday was booked!  I was mad at myself for not booking it when it was free!  It would have been the perfect venue.   It was one of the only places in madison that would allow me to decorate it nicely. As a last resort I had called the hotel that I had my baby shower at.  Maybe if I use painter's tape, they may let me hang some streamers from the ceiling. I'm hoping they will!  I'm going to do some more research.  I'm hoping I find something soon!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


My name is Rachel!  I'm 19 years old and a proud mother of one beautiful son.  He is 9 months old and is absolutely amazing.  We live with his father, to whom I'm engaged and we're happy (99.9% of the time)!  I'm a student at a major state university.  I'm majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in English/Language Arts.  On top of going to school, I'm also a working mama, too!

As you can assume, my life gets pretty busy at times!  I'm creating this blog to share my experiences with the happy, sad, and memorable times as a mother.  I'm hoping to keep up with this blog daily.  As I continue to post, maybe it will change into something different!

I encourage that if you're reading this and you're a young mother like myself, subscribe!  As far as I know, I haven't found a website yet where I found women my age that I could relate to.  Maybe this will be the first for some gals!  I hope it is! :D